Shafaq News / On Saturday, a security source reported that "intense" clashes and battles have erupted between the Turkish army and members of the Kurdistan Workers' Party (PKK) in the "Sur Sikeri" area on the slopes of Mount Matin in northern Duhok governorate within the Kurdistan Region of Iraq (KRI).

The source told Shafaq News Agency that "heavy weapons were used in the clashes, resulting in widespread explosions and gunfire. However, there is no precise information yet on the human or material losses from these battles."

Notably, Sur Sikeri is considered a strategic location and frequently witnesses armed confrontations between the Turkish army and PKK members stationed there.

The PKK conflict, spanning four decades, has been a persistent challenge, with Ankara expressing disappointment in the Iraqi government's "historical reluctance" to acknowledge and ban the PKK as a terrorist organization.

However, recent developments have signaled a shift in Iraq's stance.

Following high-level talks between Turkish and Iraqi officials, Iraq announced the designation of the

PKK as a "banned organization," aligning with Turkiye's concerns and paving the way for enhanced cooperation in combating terrorism.

In March 2024, Turkiye proposed the establishment of a "joint operation center" with Iraq to combat the PKK, a move that has received a positive response from Baghdad.

According to a Turkish defense ministry official, the proposal aims to enhance cooperation in addressing the PKK's activities along the Iraq-Turkiye border.