Shafaq News/ The US-led Coalition conducted today, Wednesday, in Erbil Governorate a ceremony to hand over military equipment and vehicles to the Peshmerga forces.

On the sidelines of the ceremony, Brigadier General Hoshmand Haider, Deputy Chief of Staff of the Peshmerga, said in a joint press conference with the Coalition that The equipment consists of military vehicles, confirming that equipping the Peshmerga forces is an "important step" because it would raise and develop their military and combat capabilities.

 Haider also called on the Global Coalition to continue providing logistical support to the Peshmerga.

 In turn, Colonel Tad Boris, Senior Adviser of the Coalition in the Kurdistan Region, said, “We and the Peshmerga forces have one goal, which is to defeat the enemy, and in the future we will continue to work together within this framework.”

 He added that the Global Coalition forces will support the Peshmerga forces to eliminate ISIS, expressing his hope that these forces will benefit from the military assistance provided to them.