Shafaq News / Flight operations at al-Sulaymaniyah Airport came to a halt on Monday due to security concerns, according to a security source in al-Sulaymaniyah province.

The source informed Shafaq News Agency that the suspension of air traffic at al-Sulaymaniyah Airport was a result of a drone aircraft hovering near the airport's airspace.

The source further explained that the suspension was initially set for five hours but was extended due to ongoing risks in the airport's vicinity.

Earlier on Monday, a local source revealed the crash of a Turkish aircraft in an area belonging to the Bashdar district in al-Sulaymaniyah province, with no reported damages.

The source told Shafaq News Agency that an unmanned drone aircraft fell in the village of Sankasar, located on the outskirts of the Sulaymaniyah province, during the afternoon hours.

The source added that the reasons behind the aircraft's crash are still unknown, whether it was due to a technical malfunction or an armed targeting, confirming it was a Turkish aircraft.

The source emphasized that the drone's crash did not cause any material or human damage as it occurred in an uninhabited area, noting that investigations have begun to determine the cause of the aircraft's downfall.