Shafaq News / Recent weeks have seen heightened activity in Iraq's political landscape, marked by the frequent engagements of Kurdistan's President Nechirvan Barzani.

Within weeks, his two visits to Baghdad have resulted in significant dialogues with top Iraqi officials.

In his last visit, the Kurdish President engaged in talks with Prime Minister Mohammed Shia al-Sudani, Chief Justice Jasim Mohammed al-Ameri, and Iraq's Supreme Judicial Council Chairman Faiq Zeidan.

Moreover, a delegation from the Kurdistan Regional Government, led by the Minister of Finance and Economy, arrived in Baghdad on Tuesday evening. Their agenda centered on amendments to the budget law, particularly concerning the Region's allocation.

Analysts view President Nechirvan Barzani's frequent trips to Baghdad (one before his trip to Tehran and the other after it) as carrying significant messages and implications, mainly aimed at addressing longstanding unresolved issues between Baghdad and Erbil.

Khairy Yuzani, an advisor to the Kurdistan Region presidency, stated to Shafaq News Agency, "These visits have played a role in reopening channels of dialogue and communication between Erbil and Baghdad following a period of tension and escalation."

Yuzani noted, "The visits also encompassed discussions on several critical matters between the two parties, including the financial file, particularly the Kurdistan employees' pensions, the Kurdistan Region's situation, and other shared concerns." He considered these steps "positive and inspiring optimism regarding the future of relations between the two entities."

Furthermore, the Kurdish official mentioned that President Barzani's talks delved into economic collaboration with the Iraqi government and ways to attract investments to the Kurdistan Region.

"The President stressed the importance of finding joint solutions to issues impacting both Kurdish and Iraqi communities, such as security and counterterrorism. His dedication to resolving conflicts with Baghdad through peaceful dialogue and negotiations is evident."

Yuzani pointed out, "The President is keen on reaffirming the Kurdistan Region's constitutional entitlements, including its right to self-determination and management of natural resources."

"The President intends to communicate that the Kurdistan Region is a pivotal partner for the Iraqi government and that collaborative efforts are vital to fostering stability and prosperity across Iraq. He consistently underscores the Region's adherence to the law and the Iraqi constitution. Moreover, he seeks to convey to Baghdad that the Kurdistan Region is a stable, secure, and appealing investment destination, and he is dedicated to advancing development and prosperity for its populace," he clarified.

Speaking to Shafaq News Agency, political analyst Yassin Aziz interpreted this visit as "the onset of a new era, marked by a strategic choice from Kurdish leadership and the President to maintain a consistent and regular presence in Baghdad."

"We observed two visits from him last month, and this visit holds considerable importance, particularly following his successful trip to Iran," he added. "I anticipate that the Kurdish President's regular visits to Baghdad and his engagements with officials, spanning political, party, and governmental realms, serve as a catalyst and a significant motivator to tackle unresolved matters between Erbil and Baghdad."

Aziz remarked regarding the agreements reached between the two sides, "Political and administrative accords exist between various parties or administrations. Thus, I am confident that implementing these agreements and past commitments will effectively address the issues and pave the way for sustainable solutions, resolving all issues and untangling the crises and knots that periodically arose between Erbil and Baghdad."

He further emphasized Barzani's vision regarding problems with Baghdad: "Solutions must be pursued in collaboration."