Shafaq News/ President Nechirvan Barzani of the Kurdistan region of Iraq called for dialogue and cooperation with Baghdad in his New Year address, urging both sides to transform challenges into opportunities and prioritize the well-being of all citizens.

"Despite talks, efforts, and commitments, many of the constitutional rights and entitlements of the Kurdistan Region in Iraq were not fulfilled," Barzani said in a clear reference to ongoing tensions between the autonomous region and the central government. "The failure to implement political agreements and respect the constitutional rights of the Kurdistan Region can only be damaging to Iraq."

Stressing the need for a new approach, Barzani said, "In the new year, in Iraq and the Kurdistan Region let's learn from the past and strive for a stable, tranquil and better future together. Let's transform crises and challenges into opportunities, with the interests of the people and the country as the ultimate goal that unites us."

Barzani's address underscored the complex political landscape in Iraq, where disputes over oil and gas revenues, border security, and the status of disputed territories continue to strain relations between Erbil and Baghdad. He acknowledged the economic and security struggles faced by both entities, hinting at the impact of internal political discord and drone attacks on the Kurdistan Region's stability.

"We endured a challenging year, marked by obstacles and perils brought about by the political, security, and economic circumstances," Barzani stated. "Internal political discord and disputes reflected negatively on Kurdistan Region's standing and ability within Iraq and internationally."

Despite the challenges, Barzani said he remains optimistic about the future, reaffirming the Kurdistan Region's commitment to regional and international cooperation. "On this occasion, we reaffirm the Kurdistan Region's commitment to enhancing our ties with our neighboring countries, the region, and the world, based on mutual respect and shared interests," he said.