28-10-2020 10:54

Shafaq News / The Kurdistan Regional Parliament distanced itself on Wednesday from comments by some MPs about the French President Emmanuel Macron in which he addressed extremist Islam.

Member of the Parliament Presidency, Hayman Hawrami visited the French Consulate in Erbil saying, "We express our support for France, which has always been supportive of the Kurdish people."

He added, "France is the first European country to recognize the Kurdistan Regional Parliament at that time."

"During the internal Kurdish fighting between the two main parties the Democratic Party and the Patriotic Union, France has invited the Kurdish leaders to stop the fighting." He stressed.

“The Kurdish parliament position of any issue is announced officially, and any statement by any deputy represents himself," adding, "We condemn any statement or position that violates the freedoms of opinion."

 The Prophet Mohammad cartoons, considered blasphemous by Muslims, have been displayed in France in solidarity and Macron has said he would redouble efforts to stop conservative Islamic beliefs subverting French values, angering many Muslims.