Shafaq News/ Kurdish President Nechirvan Barzani affirmed that the Kurdistan Region is dedicated to taking all constitutional and legal steps to facilitate the Kurdistan parliamentary elections.

On Tuesday, President Barzani met the president, vice presidents, and Kurdistan Region Court of Appeal members.

According to Barzani’s office, the discussions revolved around the delayed decision of the Federal Supreme Court in Iraq regarding the Kurdistan Parliamentary Elections Law, its constitutional aspects, legal dimensions, and potential repercussions.

President Barzani assured that relevant authorities are “earnestly working towards holding the parliamentary elections.”

Notably, the Iraqi Supreme Court recently postponed the consideration of the Kurdistan Region’s election law until the 18th of February.

The elections, which took place first in 1992, have seen amendments over the years, including the removal of Article 9 in 2004, which mandated the Kurdistan region to consist of several electoral districts.