Shafaq News/ The Presidency of the Kurdistan Region strongly condemned the attack that targeted the city of Erbil last night.

Yesterday, Kurdistan's Counter-Terrorism Service revealed that at 9:30 p.m., a booby-trapped drone targeted the Erbil – Pirmam highway, near the US Embassy, north of Erbil governorate which injured three civilians and damaged cars and a restaurant.

"We believe that repeating these terrorist acts compromise stability, security, and the political situation in Iraq and the region and serve the enemies of Kurdistan and Iraq." The Kurdish Presidency said in a statement.

"As always, there are coordination and cooperation between the security institutions in Kurdistan and the Iraqi federal government to find the parties responsible for such attacks." The Presidency added.

The Kurdish Presidency called the concerned Iraqi authorities and the international community to take a "serious step to prevent a recurrence of such an attack, "which has a significant impact on the stability of the region in general."