Shafaq News / President of the Kurdistan Region Nechirvan Barzani met, on Sunday, with the United States Ambassador to Iraq Alina Romanowski on the sidelines of his current visit to Baghdad.

The Kurdistan Region Presidency stated that “the meeting discussed the latest developments in the political situation in Iraq, as well as the relations between Erbil and Baghdad in light of recent developments.” 

“They also discussed the agreement between the Kurdistan Regional Government (KRG) and the federal government regarding the salary issue, in addition to the internal situation in the Region and the parliamentary elections in Kurdistan.” 

“Both sides emphasized the importance of solving problems between Erbil and Baghdad to maintain peace and political stability in the country, and the necessity of cooperation and coordination among Iraqi political parties to continue efforts and dialogue.”

The meetings of Barzani in Baghdad, US relations with Iraq and the Region, and the expected visit of the Iraqi Prime Minister Mohammed Shia Al-Sudani to Washington were among the other topics discussed, according to the statement.

In another meeting, Nechirvan Barzani met with the French Ambassador to Iraq, Patrick Durel, and they discussed the situation in Iraq and the Region, as well as the relations between Erbil and Baghdad and the parliamentary elections in Kurdistan.

Both sides positively assessed the latest developments in the relations between KRG and Baghdad and emphasized the importance of understanding and resolving issues between the two sides.

They also discussed French relations with Iraq and the Kurdistan Region, as well as the visit of the President of the Kurdistan Region to Baghdad and his meetings with senior Iraqi officials.

President Barzani's current visit to Baghdad aimed to address key issues between the Kurdistan Region and the federal government, fostering cooperation, enhancing dialogue, and strengthening relations between Erbil and Baghdad.

During his visit, President Barzani held discussions with Iraqi Prime Minister Mohammed Shia Al-Sudani, Iraqi PM, and other top officials, including leaders of the Coordination Framework. 

These meetings focused on various topics such as the oil file, implementation of the federal government program, federal budget allocations for Kurdistan, salaries of Kurdish employees, and the upcoming local elections in the Kurdistan Region.