Shafaq News / The Kurdistan Justice Group bloc announced its formal withdrawal and resignation from the al-Sulaymaniyah Provincial Council on Wednesday. Media Sheikh Ahmed, a prominent member of the Group, conveyed that the decision to step down from the al-Sulaymaniyah Provincial Council was endorsed by the group's leadership council. "Today, we have received official approval to relinquish our membership within the al-Sulaymaniyah Provincial Council."

Sheikh Ahmed went on to elaborate that the directive to withdraw traces back to the 1st of May in the previous year when, under the guidance of the Group's leadership council, all representatives affiliated with the Group disengaged from governmental establishments across the Kurdistan Region (KRI). Subsequent to this, they submitted their resignations from council membership. The culmination of these actions transpired in the council's affirmative vote regarding the resignation proposal today.

In an exclusive communication with Shafaq News Agency, Sheikh Ahmed identified that the resignation encompassed two members—herself and Ramadan Namiq. The latter is currently on temporary leave for Umrah pilgrimage in Saudi Arabia.

Regarding the unoccupied seats within the Provincial Council, Sheikh Ahmed confirmed that the electoral framework for provincial councils adheres to electoral lists. "Currently, the nomination of substitutes from our party list should occur, yet our party has made the determination to withdraw. This denotes that the party will not put forth substitute nominees. Consequently, the seats may remain vacant, or they might be occupied by individuals who have withdrawn from the group. Nonetheless, the likelihood of this scenario is slight, and the ultimate verdict lies within the domain of the Independent High Electoral Commission (IHEC)."

Previously, the Islamic Justice Group bloc, in alignment with the "Services" coalition within the Kurdistan Regional Parliament, had formed a coalition composed of three members in the Provincial Council. These members encompass Media Sheikh Ahmed, Ramadan Namiq representing the Islamic Justice Group, and Khadija Abdul Jabbar representing the Islamic Union of Kurdistan.

Notably, the Kurdistan Justice Group had earlier declared on the 1st of May that its parliamentary deputies in Kurdistan’s Parliament would tender their resignations.

Ali Bapir, the esteemed leader of the Kurdistan Justice Group, articulated, "All deputies affiliated with our party are slated to submit their resignations from Kurdistan’s Parliament. This decision is prompted by the postponement of the elections and the subsequent extension of the parliamentary term." Bapir emphasized that this development casts a significant shadow over the entirety of the political process in the KRI, raising grave concerns about the preservation of the KRI's foundational integrity.