Shafaq News/ A Kurdish migrant passed away today on the Belarusian-Polish borders. 

 One of the migrants at the borders told Shafaq News Agency, "Today we buried a young man of about 25 years, who is from Kurdistan Region", adding, "This young man died from the complications of cold and hunger."

"Our situation is very difficult, and the Belarusian police push us towards the barbed wire with Poland, and we are not allowed to return to the Kurdistan Region", he added, calling for opening a passage through Poland to help them return. 

"When we ask the Belarusian police to return us to the capital, Minsk, to register our names to return to Iraq, they beat us."

 He said there are thousands of migrants stranded on the borders. 

 Yesterday, more than 430 migrants arrived in Erbil and Baghdad airports.

Last August, the Iraqi authorities announced evacuating 690 of its citizens who had been stranded for weeks at the border between Belarus and Lithuania in Eastern Europe.

However, Iraq had affirmed earlier its refusal to involve citizens in international conflicts, stressing that Iraqi migrants were deceived, and they deserve care from both countries.