Shafaq News/ Suleiman Oso, a member of the Kurdish National Council's Presidium, called today on the Kurdistan Workers' Party to "respect the Kurdistan Region's sovereignty".

"The Kurdish National Council in Syria has constantly affirmed its position rejecting the Kurdish-Kurdish fighting, as it does not serve the future and aspirations of our people", Oso said in a Facebook post.

 He added, "We have always strived to achieve stability among the Kurdish forces, and we will not take part in any military conflict against the interests of our people, with our keenness to clearly define our position from any party that seeks to escalate tension."

"We in the Kurdish National Council expressed, through a previous statement, our rejection of the repeated incidents in the Kurdistan Region of Iraq between the Peshmerga forces and elements of the Kurdistan Workers' Party (PKK). We also condemned the attack and ambushes they set up for Peshmerga fighters within the Kurdistan Region's territory."

 Oso noted that the threats made by both the Democratic Union Party officials and leaders of the Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) against the Kurdistan Region of Iraq recently, are considered a dangerous shift in the situation, especially since the SDF considers itself a "national Syrian" military force that includes Arab, Syriac, and Assyrian fighters.

"These threats against the Kurdistan Region and the Peshmerga forces oppose the specificity of the SDF as a local force in Syria and an ally of the Global Coalition against ISIS led by the U.S., since the Kurdistan Region and the Peshmerga forces are a major part of the Coalition and cannot be separated from the Iraqi republic."

 The Secretary of Yekiti Party of Kurdistan, one of the most prominent parties of the Kurdish Council, said that this is a dangerous development in the political and military situation and requires the United States to clarify its position on these threats that may push the region towards new conflicts with "ominous" consequences.

 Recently, leaders of the Democratic Union Party and the Syrian Democratic Forces repeatedly made threats through media statements to the Kurdistan Region and the Peshmerga forces, expressing their support for the PKK fighters.