Shafaq News / the Kurdish Ministry of Interior today, Tuesday, denied rumors of closing NRT Kurdish channel.

A statement by the ministry said that the ministry denies the random rumors about the ministry’s decision to close NRT offices in Kurdistan.

The statement added that the PM Masrour Barzani issued orders to all ministries and relevant authorities to respect all media channels to operate in the legal framework.

Earlier this December, Security Forces has closed down the office of a NRT television channel accused of fomenting sectarian tension.

Earlier today, Security forces has closed down the office of NRT television channel accused of fomenting sectarian tension, after “insisting citizens to protest against the Government” in Al-Sulaymaniyah.

NRT channel administration responded that stopping its satellite broadcasts is a political decision.

Kurdistan’ NRT TV has long been accused of broadcasting programs against the Government.

Shaswar AbdulWahid Qadir is the owner and founder of Nalia Media Corporation which is the one of the independent media corporation in the Kurdistan Region.