Shafaq News/ The Director-General of the Kermanshah, Inshallah Kolani, said that the Fayli Kurdish province nestles 527,000 Hectares of forests.

Kolani said that the forested areas in the province are concentrated in Eslam Abad-e-Gharb, Sarpol Zahap, Dalaho, Ravansar, Javanrud, Salas Babajani, Harsin, and Sanqor. 

The Iranian official said that each Hectares produces five tons of Oxygen, enough for ten persons annually. 

Kolani said that Zagros contains 40% of Iran's water resources. 

"The forests are the main source of the feed in the country," he said, "more than 200 thousand Hectares of gumwood trees are in the province. Its products are exported to Arab and European countries."