Shafaq News / The Prime Minister of the Kurdistan Region (KRI), Masrour Barzani, urged, on Tuesday, the continued engagement of the Global Coalition forces to assist the Iraqi army and Peshmerga in combating terrorism.

Barzani stated, "Today, we received General Joel B. Vowell, the overall commander of the Coalition forces in Iraq and Syria, along with his accompanying delegation."

"During the meeting, attended by the US Consul General to the region, Mark Stroh, we exchanged views regarding the latest developments and progress in KRI, Iraq, and Syria."

He further highlighted that "The main focus of the meeting emphasized the importance of safeguarding security and stability in Iraq and KRI. It stressed the necessity for the continued mission of the Global Coalition forces to aid the Iraqi army and Peshmerga in combating terrorism while ensuring security and stability."

"In the meeting, we also addressed the significance of advancing support for specific reforms within the components of the Peshmerga ministry and expediting the steps to unify its forces under the ministry's umbrella."