Shafaq News/ The Ministry of Interior of the Kurdistan Regional Government (KRG) announced on Wednesday the commencement of the third phase of returning the internaly displaced persons (IDPs) to the village of Hassan Sham in Khazer.

According to a statement, KRG Prime Minister Masrour Barzani has directed the voluntary return of displaced families. "In this phase, 266 families will return, 107 of whom are currently living in displacement camps within the Kurdistan Region, and 159 outside the camps, to their homes in Hassan Sham village," the statement said.

These families originally fled to the Kurdistan Region following attacks by ISIS. They have been residing in displacement camps and among the host community in the Kurdistan Region for several years. The villages they left behind have seen the collapse of infrastructure, economy, and essential services due to ISIS occupation, making their return dependent on federal government support and their voluntary decision.

The ministry highlighted that the KRG had previously facilitated the voluntary return of 271 other displaced families to their homes in the same area.

"We urge federal institutions to take practical steps to provide basic services to liberated areas so that displaced persons can return and live in dignity without being forced to flee again due to a lack of services," the statement continued. "Ensuring security and public services will pave the way for more voluntary returns."

The Ministry of Interior reaffirmed the Kurdistan Region's commitment to supporting the policy of voluntary and dignified return for all displaced persons to their areas of origin.