Shafaq News/ The Kurdish Regional Government (KRG) on Thursday denied allegations that it has failed to provide the federal government with accurate data on local tax revenues.

In a statement, the KRG's Ministry of Finance and Economy said that it had provided the federal government with the latest figures on local revenues and taxes, in coordination with the federal government and the Audit Bureau.

"Unfortunately, on December 12, 2023, the former director general of taxes and properties told a media outlet that 800 billion dinars of tax revenue had been collected, but only 220 billion dinars had been given to the federal government," the statement said. "This is a complete lie and a great betrayal of the people and government of the Kurdistan Region."

The statement added that the former director general is himself facing legal problems and that his case has been sent to the Integrity Investigation Court in Erbil.

The statement said that the KRG's ninth government has made reform and transparency in the tax sector a priority, and that the majority of these reforms have been aimed at large companies.

"Raising this issue at this sensitive time and misleading the people of the Kurdistan Region and the federal government is a malicious act that aims to harm the issue of transparency and coordination between the region and the federal government at the expense of the people," the statement said. "For this reason, we consider it our right to take strict legal action against the promoter of this propaganda."