Shafaq News / The Kurdistan Regional Government (KRG) has announced its decision to exclusively adopt the Iraqi Dinar for all transactions at border crossings and airports, effective from the beginning of next month.

Samal Abdul Rahman, the Director-General of Customs in Kurdistan Region, elucidated, stating, "By virtue of a decree issued by the KRG, all transactions at border crossings and airports will be conducted in Iraqi Dinar starting from the upcoming month."

Rahman further noted that the regional government had previously utilized the Dinar instead of the US Dollar in some crossings with neighboring countries. He emphasized, "There are still a few crossings that will be converted to Dinar tomorrow."

This decision was enshrined in Resolution No. 227, issued by the Council of Ministers of Kurdistan Region on September 20, 2023, and published on October 16, 2023. The resolution, grounded in Article (8) of the Kurdistan Region Council of Ministers Law No. 3 of 1992, mandates the fulfillment of customs duties and tariffs at border gates and customs points exclusively in Iraqi Dinar.