Shafaq News / The Minister of Reconstruction and Housing in the Kurdistan Region's government, Dana Abdul Kareem, disclosed on Sunday the scale of road projects implemented in the ninth cabinet of the regional government.

Dana Abdul Kareem, speaking to Shafaq News agency, stated that the Ministry of Reconstruction and Housing in the regional government, since 2019 and despite the financial crisis, has executed approximately 440 road and bridge projects.

He highlighted the construction of roads totaling around 1300 kilometers across the region at a cost of approximately 900 billion dinars.

Addressing the delays in completing some external road projects, the Minister of Reconstruction and Housing affirmed that most of these projects, which have not been completed, were initiated in 2009 and 2010 and were supposed to be finished by 2014. However, they were not completed despite financial liquidity at that time.

He further explained that after the halt of the region's share from the federal budget in 2014, these projects were suspended. Still, they were resumed with the initiation of the ninth cabinet's tasks in 2019, confirming that most of these projects have now been completed up to 95%.

The reasons for the delays in these projects are attributed to the financial crisis experienced by the region.