Shafaq News/ Unless the Kurds manage to find common ground, someone else will be deciding for them, the Kurdistan Democratic Party's candidate for the presidency of Iraq, Rebar Ahmed, said on the ongoing dispute between the leading Kurdish parties.

Ahmed's remarks came on the sidelines of an assembly held in Iraqi Kurdistan's capital city, Erbil, on the Kurdish issue in the Middle East.

The incumbent interior minister of Iraq's semi-autonomous region of Kurdistan said that a candidate for the presidency should be chosen via "a parliamentary majority" or "a vote in the parliament of the Kurdistan region".

"Otherwise, the will of other people will prevail. The candidate who will rise for the presidency will be chosen by other people, not the Kurds," Ahmed explained.

"In 2018, the president did not represent the people of Kurdistan. He became a president by the votes of other people," he continued, "we hope that such an experience will not happen again. We want the people of Kurdistan to choose for themselves and agree on their candidate for the post."