Shafaq News/ President Nechirvan Barzani on Sunday reiterated the Kurdistan region's commitment to the Iraqi constitution and the agreements that led to the formation of the current government led by Mohammad Shia al-Sudani.

A spokesperson to the Region's presidency said Barzani's visit to Baghdad focused on the outcomes of al-Sudani's recent trip to the United States and Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan's visit to Iraq and the Kurdistan Region.

"The talks covered the Kurdistan Region's financial dues, the upcoming Kurdistan parliamentary elections, and security issues, particularly the recent attack on the Kormor gas field, which caused significant economic damage to both Iraq and the Kurdistan Region," said Dilshad Shahab, a spokesperson for the Kurdistan Region Presidency.

"Thankfully, there was a good and shared understanding of all issues in all meetings with the parties," he added. "There was an emphasis on everyone's readiness to implement the agreement that led to the formation of al-Sudani's government and the constitution."

Shahab added that steps were taken during meetings between the Kurdistan Region government delegation and Iraqi officials to reach a common understanding on the details of the agreement, and "these steps will continue."

Regarding the "Hizmarî min=Hesabi" (My Account) system, Shahab said the Kurdistan Region aims to reassure employees and pensioners. "There is a good common understanding between Erbil and Baghdad, and it is certain that the two sides will reach an agreement in the best interests of employees and pensioners," he stated.

On the topic of the Kurdistan parliamentary elections, Shahab noted that all Iraqi parties share the Kurdistan Region Presidency's vision of holding elections with the participation of all parties.

To create suitable conditions for the participation of all parties, including the components, in the elections, the Presidency will organize a meeting attended by all political parties in the Kurdistan Region, Shahab said. "All necessary measures will be taken in cooperation with these parties to reach a common agreement."

The United Nations Assistance Mission for Iraq (UNAMI) is in contact with the Presidency in this regard, Shahab added.