Shafaq News/ The President of the Kurdistan region, Nechirvan Barzani, received Romania's ambassador to Iraq, Radu Octavian Dobre, a readout by the region's presidency earlier today, Monday.

The readout said that President Barzani wished the Romanian veteran diplomat success in his mission in Iraq, thanking Romania for its contributions to the Global Coalition to combat ISIS.

The Romanian ambassador expressed his country's willingness to bolster the ties with Baghdad and Erbil and expand the cooperation prospects in the fields of economy, trade, energy, agriculture, banking, culture, and higher education.

Radu invited the Kurdistan region to take part in the Supreme Committee for Joint Trade and Economics his country is working to establish with Iraq.

The meeting touched upon the Baghdad-Erbil ties, asylum seekers in Romania and Kurdistan, the reverberations of the Russian-Ukrainian war, and a spectrum of issues of mutual interest, the statement said.