Shafaq News/ The Kurdistan Region's Counter-Terrorism Service announced on Friday that a Turkish drone strike killed a senior official of the Kurdistan Workers' Party (PKK), along with his driver and a companion, in Al-Sulaymaniyah governorate.

According to a statement, the incident occurred at 11:00 AM when "a Turkish military drone targeted a vehicle near the village of Tabarash, in the Said Sadiq district of Al-Sulaymaniyah."

"The attack resulted in the deaths of the PKK official, his driver, and his companion, with the vehicle being destroyed by the fire."

PKK has a significant and complex presence in Al-Sulaymaniyah.

Politically, the Patriotic Union of Kurdistan (PUK), the dominant party in Al-Sulaymaniyah, has had a multifaceted relationship with the PKK. While there have been periods of cooperation, their interactions have also been marked by significant tension and conflict.

From a security perspective, the PKK's presence in Al-Sulaymaniyah has raised concerns for both the Iraqi government and Turkiye. Turkiye has often accused the PKK of using Iraqi territory, particularly in the Kurdistan Region, as a base for launching operations against Turkish forces, leading to ongoing regional friction.