to resolve the security problem in Fallujah city is not solution.

Prime Minister, Nuri al-Maliki revealed that resolving the security problem in Fallujah city will be close which is controlled by Daash elements since three months ago.

The pieces of the Iraqi army imposed a tight security cordon on Fallujah city in order to prevent entry of the militants.

The relations official of the movement , Intesar Allawi told “Shafaq News ", that "The military option is not a solution because when Iyad Allawi was a prime minister , he agreed with tribal leaders in Fallujah to hit the strongholds of al-Qaeda official , Abu Musab al-Zarqawi ."

“At the time there were no sit-ins in the city , and even if there were sit-ins , Allawi would came to those sit-ins and met the demands that are compatible with the Constitution,” she added.

Daash elements had resorted this week to cut the water of Fallujah’s dam that feeds cities southern Baghdad and the Euphrates areas .