units in counter-terrorism field and special operations tactics .

The U.S. unit has been to participate in training the anti-terrorism forces from Iraq and Jordan , allowing Washington to take a new step to support Iraqi Prime Minister, Nuri al-Maliki .

The U.S. official explained that this step will improve the skills of military forces in fight against terrorism and the tactic of special operations , adding that the training , which includes less than a hundred soldiers from the three countries began earlier this week and will continue until the end of April / May , with the exception of the Iraqi forces that will end their training in the current month.

According to observers , this action comes within the efforts of the U.S. administration of President , Barack Obama to help the Iraqi authorities in fight against al- Qaeda, which has escalated its military operations since last year .

The training comes to complement the step of increasing U.S. arms sales to Maliki’s government and growing concerns among U.S. officials about the security of Iraq after more than two years on the withdrawal of U.S. troops.

In the absence of a specific agreement between Baghdad and Washington, U.S. forces cannot exercise military activities in Iraq , while Obama’s administration can resort to train Iraqi forces outside Iraq .

Jordanian official sources revealed last January that Amman had agreed to a request from the Iraqi government to train troops to "fight terrorism " , in response to a U.S. request in this regard .

The sources said that the approval came in response to the Jordanian cooperation between Amman and Baghdad in fight against so-called terrorism .

Jordan had trained more than 30000 soldiers and Iraqi officers in the police and military forces since the U.S. invasion of Iraq in 2003 , in the framework of security agreements between the two countries under U.S. auspices , as in a large number of them were trained at the King Abdullah II Center of Special Operations , which has become a specialized center for training Special Forces .