discussed in Shirnax city with Turkish counterparts , preparations to open new border crossings between the region and Turkey .

The head of KRG, Nechirvan Barzani and Turkish Foreign Minister , Ahmet Davutoglu has announced an agreement that includes opening five new crossings between the region and Turkey during the recent visit of President of KRG to (Van) City south-east of Turkey in mid- March this year.

According to a government statement reported for " Shafaq News " , the Kurdish delegation headed by the Minister of Interior of KRG, Kareem Shankali included both Governor of Erbil, Nawzad Hadi and Governor of Dohuk , Tamur Ramadan and official spokesman of KRG Safeen Dezia .

A delegation of KRG has held a meeting with the governor of , Hakkari Najim al-Deen Kalkan and the Governor , Chernak Hassan Aybak , to discuss preparations for opening new border crossings between Kurdistan Region and Turkey.

The statement said that the talks come within the framework of the agreement signed between the President of KRG , Nechirvan Barzani and Turkish Foreign Minister , Ahmed Davutoglu during a meeting in Shirnax city south-eastern Turkey in mid- March this year.

The statement added that the head of the delegation , Kareem Shankali said that this visit came according to Barzani’s orders, wishing that the crossings would be opened as soon as possible and will contribute positively on both sides .

Kurdistan has close economic ties with Turkey, where the two sides concluded in the past few years, agreements in this regard that include strengthening of relations in various sectors .