The report published by the Anatolia news agency , briefed by " Shafaq News " , was based on the Iraqi sources , where they added that the United States of America deceived Iraq by 70 helicopter type ( Bell 407 ) , and (ST 214), as experiments proved its inability to direct confrontation with the enemy during the battles because they do not possess the technical competence .

( Bell 407 ) helicopters is a reconnaissance plane , carrying camera control and a machine gun , while aircraft (ST 214) is a transport plane soldiers , and could clash with the targets on the ground through two non- mentors weapons .

He explained that the helicopters have been processed by the United States , according to the program of joint reinforcement (FMS) and purchased by Iraq on the form of groups since the end of 2006 until last year .

The Turkish report pointed out that the 70 aircrafts are failed technically and militarily , because they are the types of aircraft that were not intended for combat and support ground sectors .

It noted that the Russian aircraft , which had been imported recently from the model (MI35), is the only fighter attack aircraft shall address military targets , and provide air support for the ground sectors .