, calling at the same time lists and the winning candidates to fulfill the promises they made to the voters to work to repair the situation in the country .

Sheikh Abdul Mahdi al-Karbalai , The Representative of Shiite cleric in Iraq , Ayatollah Ali al-Sistani said during a Friday sermon in the holy city of Karbala ( 110 km south of Baghdad ) that the percentage of participation in the elections if compared with those in other countries facing similar circumstances in Iraq in terms of poor security and services , this percentage is the best and highly regarded and reflect the people’s sense of responsibility.

According to Independent High Electoral Commission (IHEC) figures , the percentage of participation in the elections , which took place Wednesday reached to 60 percent of the number of voters who are entitled to vote out of 21 million .

Karbalai stressed during the sermon seen by " Shafaq News " that " This result represents a great hope for citizens to change for the better through the broad participation despite the large number of frustrated citizens who feel hurt due to the little that had been accomplished in Iraq over the past ten years and the risk of continued exposure to the bombings carried out by terrorist groups. "

He pointed out that " millions of Iraqis have gone to the polls in spite of the security challenges to perform this national responsibility and broad participation , which will raise the respect of the Iraqi people to the world, as they represent a distinct pattern of patience and endurance “.

He stressed the " need for this step to be the way for desired change for the better ." Calling on IHEC to " take into account the professional and honesty in counting the results of the vote," adding that "the results of the ballot is a trust in the hands of those who counteracted this responsibility ."

The representative of the Shiite Supreme Majiyaa called the winning lists that competed in the elections , as well as candidates to fulfill the promises they made to voters "

Earlier in the day , 60 centers in Iraq started counting operations in the parliamentary elections and Iraqi forces as well as local councils in Kurdistan .

Counting process is being conducted by the staff of IHEC accompanied by representatives of competing political entities with thousands of local and international observers at the counting centers amid tight security .

It is expected to announce the preliminary results of the elections at the end of next week while the official final and approved results will be announced after the completion of complaints resolution a month after the polling day .

IHEC announced earlier starting the second process of counting in 60 centers identified by IHEC in Iraq .

It pointed out that the second process of counting in the sub-centers in the provinces will take 3-4 days to complete all the procedures for counting and sorting , then send the results will be sent to the National Center for inclusion in the data entry center .

According to IHEC figures , more than 12 million voters participated in the elections at a rate of 60 percent to select 328 seats in the next parliament from among more than 9 thousand candidates .