Dozens of staff of Water Directorate of Sulaymaniyah gathered on Thursday , declaring their strike from work due to delayed payment of their salaries for April and not setting a date for disbursement .

One of the protester employees, Sven Salar said in an interview with " Shafaq News " , that “ their salaries of April have been delayed for more than 45 days , pointing out that this impacted negatively on the living conditions “ .

He explained that they had gathered today to demand salaries of last April, because they don’t have any other source as some have rents to pay, adding that including contracts staff have not been paid for four months .

He demanded the regional government to work to resolve the serious crisis of delayed payment of salaries of employees as quickly as possible , noting that employees rely primarily on their monthly salaries and do not have any other source .

Meanwhile members of the Medical University in Erbil announced strike   in protest for late payment of salaries .

In Kalar district in Sulaymaniyah province, teachers union in the district gathered by dozens protesting against unpaid wages , while a number of employees of the education department and teachers went out in a similar demonstration .

The protests come because of the delayed delivery of staff’s wages because the Iraqi government cut the budget share of Kurdistan Region after continued disputes over the amount of oil that must be exported from Kurdistan within Iraq's draft budget for the current year .