Shafaq News/ The head of the education committee in Dhi Qar provincial council, Shahid al-Ghalbi announced on Monday his resignation from the council in protest due to the violations against the demonstrations.

Hakima al-Shibli, a member of Diwaniya provincial council, also announced her resignation.

This comes at a time when three members of the Iraqi Council of Representatives resigned to protest the killing and suppression of demonstrations in the capital Baghdad and a number of provinces in the middle and southern Euphrates predominantly Shiite.

MP ,Jamal Fakher from Alliance Towards Reforms criticized the decisions of the Ministers of Education and Higher Education to prevent the peaceful demonstration of students and teaching staff accusing them without the slightest right in an unacceptable attempt to obliterate freedoms and silence mouths, warning of a parliamentary position and questioning any minister or executive official seeks to exploit his position to prevent citizens from supporting peaceful popular demonstrations that are demanding for their rights.

 Fakhir said in a statement today that "the resolutions issued by the ministers of education and higher education in an attempt to deter students from supporting their fellow demonstrators, are a kind of dictatorship and totalitarian regime and are actions and exploitation of the post that cannot be tolerated or accepted, either in these two important ministries or others ministries. "

He stressed that "the peaceful demonstration to demand the rights is guaranteed by the Constitution and all laws and any attempts to violate these rights will have strict and strong positions in the House of Representatives up to questioning and withdraw confidence from any minister who exploits his position for such illegal things."

Despite warnings issued by the Iraqi government and the Ministry of Education but school students in a number of cities and continued for the second day in a row in supporting the protests.

In Kut city, the local capital of Wasit province, students rallied in rallies despite the rains, in the cities of Basra, Diwaniyah, Nasiriyah and Amara, many students took part in demonstrations condemning the situation in the country, stressing their support for the demands of peaceful demonstrations.

In Babil province, students announced a general strike, while Mustansiriya University in Baghdad adopted the same thing .

"The people want to topple the regime," chanted school students at rallies in Baghdad against the government.

All students of Kufa University faculties went on strike and went to the sit-in Sadrin square in Najaf province.

While students of the University of Qadisiyah announced the strike and joined the demonstrations Diwaniya.

Hundreds of students staged a sit-in at al-Farahidi University and Mustansiriya Medical University, where security forces banned taking photographs.

In A-Saouira city in Wasit province , municipal council and administrative district of the judiciary were closed.

Minister of Education ,Suha al-Ali Bey said on Sunday that trying to get schoolchildren in recent demonstrations by getting them out of schools or allowing them to demonstrate inside schools is unacceptable.

A number of students of universities and schools in Baghdad and a number of Iraqi provinces went in demonstrations yesterday, calling for reform, while others protested.

Social media broadcasted videos and photos showing marches and cheers by students in and out of their schools.

Iraq is witnessing large demonstrations in several areas of the country, which claimed hundreds of lives and injured thousands.