The personal status draft and al-Jaafari judiciary , submitted by the Minister of Justice , Hassan al-Shammari belonging to al-Fadehila Party to the Council of Ministers has raised a big debate during the past month , because of items regarding women and marriage.

“The Council of Ministers gave the responsibility of the Jaafari law to the parliament before being completed on the evidence that the Council decided to form a committee of religious scholars to keep up with the enactment of the law in the parliament after checking it in coordination between the Ministry of Justice and the legal department in the General Secretariat of the Council of Ministers,” The spokesman for the Council , Sabah al- Bawi told “Shafaq News “.

Bawi added , "The law has not arrived yet to the parliament and when it arrives it will take its natural course and will be considered like any other law hat arrives to the parliament”.

MPs and politicians believed that the law interferes in personal social specificities who owns the rights to make social decision according to their statements reported in the media , while others demanded constantly to continue to work on Personal Status Law of 1959 as consistent with the Iraqi society with making some adjustments to it .