returned from Amman after nearly six days of traveling there to hold procedures to meet officials to stop the fighting in western Iraq .

The official said in an interview with " Shafaq News " that " Sulaiman came six days ago by a letter from the Iraqi intelligence and under official protection then met in Amman with officials in the office of ( Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki )to discuss the solution to the war in Anbar and then came back yesterday ."

Sources in the police had talked yesterday about the arrival of Suleiman to Anbar province, coming from Oman after a week of traveling.

Anbar provincial council announced the existence of negotiations to end Fallujah crisis and other cities where battles revolve in it since the beginning of this year.

Suleiman , who is described as the commander of Army tribes has disagreement with " Daash organization."

The political analyst , Ibrahim al-Sumaidaie has recently announced agreement phases between the government and the " rebels clan " , the first is field as pledged the government to implement all the demands of the demonstrations and stop prosecutions against the all the elements that joined them , and for the intervention of three regiments ( trained in Habbaniyah currently ) to end the remaining elements of Daash .

Sumaidaie said that the second agreement has been concluded in the Jordanian capital Amman after the arrival of Sheikh Ali Hatem as he has signed this agreement between him and the representatives of the government , which includes Tareq Najm Director of the Office of former Prime Minister in a bid to resolve the crisis that has been going on for four months .