and regions in the province by the Islamic State of Iraq and Levant organization’s “ISIL” militants .

 Nujaifi said in a statement reported for "Shafaq News", that "I do not think that al-Maliki or any of the General Command of the Armed Forces has studied the causes of the collapse of the security system in Mosul so far, perhaps contented themselves with same justifications from false sources that promoted them with false information in the past."

He added, "I would like to re-Info them for as long as they refused to hear about the real reasons for the collapse of the security system, including the intelligence officer of the third brigade of the federal police who  was the coordinator of oil smuggling oil operations carried out in  Ain al-Jahesh area  to ISIL”.

Nujaifi said that "the intelligence officers of the Interior and the second brigade blackmailed contractors , owners of parking lots and the owners of gas stations, while operations intelligence intervened in all of the preceding paragraphs."

"The province has sent official letters several times to the operations , the Defense Ministry and the General Command of the Armed Forces and pointed to the existence of these violations as our problem was always that the citizens were afraid to apply for certification in any investigation and it was not within our mandate to open any investigation because the prime minister prevented the investigation with any officer except by his consent and didn’t give any approval of this investigation with any of his abusive officers. "

However "we resort to the media to hint often and give statement sometimes depending on the strength of evidence in our hands, as Operations Command had experienced plots between security leaders in Nineveh seemingly accused some leaders that has links with the Governor as al-Maliki look at this point as an unforgivable crime and can overlook any crime except communicating with the governor of Nineveh province. "

Nujaifi added that "the real cause of the conflict is competition for resources as the most corrupt always win because he is more capable of pleasing the top leaders."


ISIL has controlled large areas in the north and east of Syria, and was able to expand its spread during the past few weeks to large areas in northern and western Iraq, but the Iraqi forces regained the initiative and began cracking down on the organization and its allies.