Sadr, who led the fight against the American forces in Iraq before its withdrawal has, became an important element affecting the government as he said in unprecedented statement that he retired from the political action and dissolved his movement.

Sadr’s decision led to the disintegration in Ahrar bloc as a number of its members announced their withdrawal from the Iraqi parliament about two months before the date of the general election.

Sadr said in a speech attended by " Shafaq News " , that "I am with the participation in the elections so that the government won’t fall in the crafty hands “.

He added that he will take part in this process and will vote for those he described as nobles .

Sadr called “honest figures to " keep away from him and stay independent and said that he is for " all Iraqis ."

Cleric Moqtada al-Sadr accused on Tuesday, the current government headed by Nuri al-Maliki of "dictatorship", and the inability to actually improve the service , security and economic situation in the country, and also strongly criticized MPs after voting on the retirement paragraph.

Sadr said in a televised speech that "Iraq has been overshadowed by a black cloud where Iraqis kill each other sometimes in the name of law and in the name of religion at other times, so damn for a Law that allows shed blood and blow up innocent people."

However, the leader of the Sadrist movement pointed in his speech to the governor of Baghdad, Ali al-Tamimi and governor of Maysan , Ali al-Douai and called them to continue their work .

Ministers and MPs of Ahrar bloc decided late in the evening yesterday to submit their resignations in front of their leader , Moqtada al-Sadr .

Officials in Ahrar bloc who occupies approximately 8seats in the Iraqi parliament said that al-Sadr is angry after bloc defied his orders by voting to approve a bill to ensure MPs big privileges and pensions.