away from Kurdistan Alliance for fear from its masses , adding that the interest of the Kurds is to deal with Baghdad as a one bloc to keep their benefits .

While President of Kurdistan Region , Massoud Barzani and Chairman of Change , Nushirwan Mustafa announced after their meeting last Thursday , that the Kurds will go to Baghdad in " one power ," while Iraqi media circulated the existence of understandings between the State of Law coalition and the Patriotic Union of Kurdistan , led by Iraqi President ,Jalal Talabani .

Abdul Hamid Baffy said in an interview with " Shafaq News " , that “ through political follow-up of Iraqi affairs and the movements of al-Maliki, during the last period , it has been found that he " always tries to split the ranks of political opponents and antagonize them in various ways ," adding that “ this is what he did with all the blocs except Kurdish blocs that " did not fall under his will ."

He added that if the Kurdish parties want to cooperate with al-Maliki , they fear from their masses , because the people of Kurdistan suffered during the last period on the era of the former regime for the genocides recognized by the High Criminal Court .

He explained that it is hard for a Kurdish personal or a particular party in Kurdistan to cooperate with Maliki ans he is being " hostile " to Kurdistan people, pointing out that the " economic war " of Maliki against the people of Kurdistan is not less than Saddam's wars against the Kurds .

Baffy believed that it is the interest of the Kurds to deal with Baghdad as a single bloc , stressing that if Maliki could disperse among the people of Kurdistan , they will lose all they have accomplished and what they have gained during periods of Peshmarga struggle through revolutions and struggles .