that exceeded 87 % participation of more than 23 000 security element out of 26 000 elements .

“More than 23 thousand security elements have participated in the special ballot out of 26 thousand who are allowed to vote,” The director of the Office , Jaafar Kadhim told “Shafaq News”.

“50 lying in hospitals in addition to 200 prisoners in prisons have casted their ballots yesterday.”

“The figure recorded by Maysan province, is the highest in the rates of participation in the special ballot during the previous electoral processes ."

“We didn’t record any breach by observers of political entities or even political entities during the period of the special ballot ."

About 1.05 million elements of the army and security police as well as patients in hospitals and prisoners have been included with the private ballot yesterday morning .

The Public ballot will be conducted on Wednesday, which also coincides with elections of provincial councils of Kurdistan preceded by the security forces for the defense and interior ministries’ voting two days before the public ballot.

The number of voters of Iraq reached 20 million and 437 thousand voters who will cast their ballots in 8075 polling centers , 48 thousand and 852 polling stations .