without the approval of the federal government , stressing on the unified oil policy of Iraq .

Maliki said during an interview with (NRT) satellite Kurdish channel , briefed by " Shafaq News " , that the representatives of the other provinces complained when they met him that there is unfair to their provinces because Kurdistan Region gets 17 % of the budget of the Iraqi public and does not deliver funds of exported oil revenue for the Treasury of the State and this means that it takes lots of these provinces .

Maliki also said that the region is exporting oil for years and has accumulated huge amounts of money , noting that other provinces of Najaf , Karbala, Maysan , Salahuddin and Diyala have stakes in it.

He talked about his visit to Mashhad city in Iran, as its governor told him that the trucks carrying oil were directed to Afghanistan , adding that these trucks were loaded with oil produced in Kurdistan Region and go to Iran and from there to Afghanistan .

Maliki said during the interview that Kurdistan Region has committed a number of mistakes , including violation of national sovereignty item by bringing Turkey into the territory of the region and interfering in economic affairs by extending an oil pipeline through its territory .

He pointed out that Kurdistan live many tensions and crises , tensions with the federal government , neighboring countries and with the Turkmen in addition to internal tensions among Kurdish parties , noting that the country does not run that way .

Maliki spoke in detail about the meetings with the delegation of the Kurdish negotiating team headed by , Nechirvan Barzani and summed up the demands of the Kurdish delegation in the three points , which is that the region wants to market its oil through the oil Kurdish company " COMO " , deposit revenues in the Development Bank of Iraq in the United States in a special account number of Kurdistan and have the right to move the money by the region's president exclusively .

The differences between Baghdad and the region have worsened recently after the federal government cut salaries for the staff of the regional government for the last two months after negotiations between the two sides have reached a deadlock after Baghdad’s claim from the region to export 400 000 barrels of oil per day via the Iraqi National Oil Company " SOMO " and the regional government reject for this request .