for the country's financial budgets .

Maliki said in a speech while attending the agricultural events this week , , attended by " Shafaq News " , that " when we think of state-building , we must think of goals to increase wealth and that can’t be done only through concerted efforts and the development of those resources in accordance with the developed plans not classic plans."

He noted that " we do not want to remain dependent on one factor which is oil because this means a strategic malfunction in the economic development of the country," adding that " our country has agriculture , industry and tourism opportunities and we can form these resources in support of the country's budget " .

Economists indicate that Iraq depends almost entirely on the export of oil in its financial budget in providing support in the country.

A report issued by the International Center for Development Studies , based in London issued last month , the bankruptcy of Iraq in three years because of the budget deficit , which now threatens the Iraqi oil sector clearly.