and the university professor , Mohammed Bedaiwi al-Shammari, while strongly criticized the statements of Prime Minister , Nuri al-Maliki that followed the incident , it called what it named as the rulers of Baghdad to sit together and end the relationship " if they do not want coexistence and brotherhood " in Iraq .


A statement for the region’s presidency responded on the issue of killing journalist , Mohamed Bedaiwi and what followed from the stands and the repercussions , received by " Shafaq News " , that “ we express regret and sorrow for the death of Bedaiwi and sympathy with his family and all the media , calling on the judiciary to take legal action of fair investigation into the incident to resolve this issue .

The statement added that the presidency had hoped for the issue not to go out of its legal framework , adding that the statements and positions of some Iraqi political figures after the incident had created an atmosphere of anxiety in the Iraqi street characterized by threatening peace and coexistence among the components of Iraq , deepen the differences and create discord among citizens .

The statement stressed not allow for any person or party to cause a rift in the brotherhood among the components of Iraq and exploit the issue of , Dr. Mohamed Bedaiwi .

The statement of regret for the use of Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki, " Strange and improper words like blood for blood , which is far from the principles of the rule of law , the administration of the State and the culture of coexistence and democracy."

The statement added a lot of people have been killed over the years in light of the deteriorating security situation and 400 university professor had been assassinated, no one took the responsibility for their lives or moved to uncover the perpetrators.

The statement noted that “ today and for the fact that one a Kurdish citizen was involved in this incident, they want to exploited it politically to create a rift between the components of Iraqi nationalism " , holding all the consequences for this situation on those who want to exploit the incident for their own political purposes .

“If the rulers look at the events by this logic , there are many questions arise from the same side , wondering, " Who is responsible for the blood of 5000 martyrs in Halabja , 182000 Anfal victims , 12000 Kurdish Barzani and 8000 Failis ? "

The statement went on that the Kurdish people with all " momentous " sacrifices and in order to build a new life did not say at any moment , " Blood for blood ."

The statement called on the judiciary to play its role and judge this file away from the illegal desire of some politicians, stressing not to allow " some people to exploit this incident."

The statement concluded by saying that the people of Kurdistan decided to live in brotherhood , harmony and coexistence in Iraq , if Baghdad rulers do not want this brotherhood and created problems in various pretexts , urging them to sit together and " end this troubled relationship."

Bedaiwi , a university professor and journalist manages the Office of American Radio of Free Iraq (al-Iraq al-Hurr) in Baghdad on Saturday as he was shot dead by an officer of the presidential regiment in Jadiriya area after an argument him , it was not clear the reasons for the officer shot of fire .