is the only way out of the civil war taking place in Syria since the past three years.


Kurdistan Democratic Party - Syrian praised Kurdish National Council's efforts in maintaining the relative stability witnessed in the Kurdish areas and stay away from the Kurdish - Kurdish conflict, which was based on (Erbil ) Hawler Conventions .

The Central Committee said in a statement reported for " Shafaq News " , that “ it has held a meeting after the unified conference ( in Erbil ) , and studied political developments on both the national Kurdish , Syrian and Kurdistan levels , especially related to the Kurdish issue .

The Committee condemned what it called “the methods of violence , murder , destruction and displacement practiced by the bloody dictatorial regime against the Syrian people and the national opposition forces , and the use of internationally banned chemical weapons ."

The committee pointed out that the continuation of the armed conflict will only lead to more destruction and loss of innocent lives , pointing out that there is no better alternative than the political solution , which is the only way out of the violence cycle under international supervision and the formation of a transitional government with full powers as defined by the International Geneva Conference 2.

It demanded for a new constitution for the country that insures the national rights of the Syrian components according to international covenants and all conventions.

The committee condemned also the " terrorist attacks on the Kurdish areas."

Kurdistan Democratic Party of Syria has been recently formed in Erbil from the merger of four Kurdish-Syrian parties after the end of the unified conference with the participation of 640 members of PUK, KDP and Azadi parties.

The four parties in the Kurdish National Council are under a collector framework 14 Kurdish parties in Syria that was established after the outbreak of civil war in Syria to demand the rights of the Kurds .

However, the Kurdish Council entered in competition with KDP which is linked to the Turkish Kurdistan Workers' Party and the latter imposes control over the Kurdish -majority region in Syria through thousands of insurgents.

President of Kurdistan Region Massoud Barzani mediated between the parties and formed a body to coordinate with each other , but it wasn’t translated on reality .