She pointed out that the humanitarian , legal , constitutional and religious logic does not give the right to Baghdad to " fight" the sons of the region and use employees' salaries as pressure to “ force the region to surrender to Baghdad’s’ policies”.

Baghdad has spent the salaries of the employees of Kurdistan for last January last very late which has already provoked resentment of employees who organized protests in Sulaimaniyah and threatened to go on strike.

Baghdad waved later that it will not give the salaries of the subsequent months if Kurdistan doesn’t export 400 thousand barrels per day of oil through " SOMO " state-ownedCompany.

Two days ago, Kurdistan government said that it had not yet received salaries from Baghdad and it will give the salaries starting from next Sunday.

Al-Jaff said in a statement reported for " Shafaq News " that “ the region is trying in various Constitutional and Legal ways to solve the outstanding problems with Baghdad, but did not think one day about pushing citizen or employees in political conflicts .

Kurds say that Baghdad is applying economic blockade policy against them and prevent their money to pressure them to abandon plans to export oil from its fields.

Kurdistan Region is suffering from lack of financial liquidity because Baghdad has stopped its share of the financial budget of the country which caused delays in paying salaries to employees for the second month in a row.

The two sides did not reach a consensus in this file in which they have negotiated about for months.

Al-Jaff pointed out that the positions of religious Mariyaa was and is still and will continue to stand with the people and they will not accept to cut the salaries of others and fight the citizen economically by any state authority and whatever its views are.

The Shiite religious Marjiyaa are widely respected among the population and politicians in Iraq, particularly among the Shiite Muslims sect, who make up the majority in the country.