The Iraqi army carried out a military operation in Anbar , after a military commander was killed in an ambush , adopted by al-Qaeda.

According to the Iraqi Ministry of Defense , it is implementing this operation to hunt down al-Qaeda , which began operating in the province, " and take the sit –in squares as a haven for it."

However, local officials, tribal leaders and clerics in Anbar say that this process is to end the sit-in squares list that lasted for more than a year .

Events have accelerated in Anbar after the arrest of al- Iraqiya List MP Ahmed al-Alwani , and the resignation of MPs from Motahedoun coalition under the leadership of Osama al- Nujaifi , and the National Dialogue Front led by Saleh al-Mutlaq .

An informed political source told “Shafaq News", and “Al- Iraqiya List ministers decided to boycott cabinet sessions in protest to last events in Anbar .

On the other hand Kurdistan Alliance bloc demanded on Tuesday, immediate stop to the fighting inside the cities of Ramadi and Fallujah and assume political partners to calm the situation , rather than escalation .

The spokesman of the bloc, Muyad al-Tayeb told “Shafaq News " , that "We are sorry to what the security situation has reached in Anbar as partners were supposed to work not to let the situation reach this point , now fighting must stop."

The sit-in began about a year ago in a protest that has been considered by protestors as marginalizing of Sunnis by the government of Prime Minister , Nuri al-Maliki .

Violence has intensified this year after al Qaeda-linked insurgents targeted the government and all they see support of it, which raised concerns of renewed sectarian conflict that had killed tens of thousands in 2006 and 2007.