"Islamic State in Iraq and the Levant", is known for short as "Daash" from residential neighborhoods in the western Anbar province.

 “The American national security adviser, Tony Blinken spoke over the phone with Iraqi National Security Adviser , Faleh al-Fayad,” According to a statement issued by the U.S. State of Department received by “Shafaq News”.

Blinken expressed in a statment that the United States' support for ongoing operations by the Iraqi Security Forces in coordination with local and tribal movements in Anbar province to combat the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL).

Fayyad affirmed the Iraqi government's commitment to work cooperatively with local leaders and communities in Anbar province, as well as national leaders from all political blocs, to isolate ISIL from the population and respond to the urgent needs of the Iraqi people in areas affected by terrorism.

"Both confirmed the strong U.S.-Iraq security partnership under the Strategic Framework Agreement, and the need for greater cooperation among Iraq’s neighboring countries to combat the regional terrorist threat," the statement added.

Senior officials from the White House, the State Department, and the United States Embassy in Baghdad remain in regular communication with a wide range of Iraqi officials to support ongoing efforts against ISIL, and to encourage coordination between Iraqi Security Forces and the people they serve.

In Ramadi, capital of Anbar province , clashes are taking place in the meantime, between the army and the tribes in the western areas of the city , according to what was reported by the same source .

Combat troops backed by air support have launched since days , large-scale of military operation in the desert areas of Anbar, an extension of the borders of Syria and Jordan against the strongholds of al-Qaeda after killing a number of military commanders.