9-3-2020 13:34

Shafaq News / The Directorate of Public Health of Basra, the southernmost province of Iraq, announced on Monday that it had recorded the death of a   Corona virus patient, taking the number of deaths in the country to seven.

The Directorate said in a statement today that "we regret confirming the news of the death of the first person with corona in Basra."

The statement pointed out that the died person entered Al-Taaleme hospital (Al-Jumhori formerly) on Sunday, and the patient died less than an hour later, and the result of the tests appeared positive.

"It should be mentioned that he came from Iran 3 days ago after performing a heart operation at the age of 74," the statement stressed, stressing the need not to go to crowded places and to refrain from smoking.”

In the meantime, the local government in Basra announced the suspension of the official working hours of its departments, with the exception of security and service departments, until 22nd  of March, due to recording the death of a person with corona.