and still exist , refusing to work with him to fight the armed groups in Anbarprovince.

An informed source has revealed on Saturday, that a big dispute took place between the new Awakenings, led by Wesam al- Hardan and Ahmed Abu Risha, causing stop of fighting with Daashin northern district.

Hardan told “Shafaq News” that “differences still exist and so far there is no meeting with Abu Risha and we reject working with him or his followers”.

“We came to protect Anbar and Iraq from Daash " , pointing out that "if Abu Risha remained the head of the Awakening forces then let’s say that security and Awakening organizations have ended in Anbar ,” he added.

The differences broke out between Hardan and Abu Risha at the start of the protests of Anbar , where Hardan took the position of Abu Risha’s deputy and after the latter supported the protests , the MP became a Head before being separated to a new awakening .

The Awakening forces is a clan militia launched in 2006 to track down al -Qaeda militants in Anbar before being launched to areas controlled by the organization to extend its control in 2008 on most influential of the Sunni areas .

“Shafaq News " tried to receive a comment from Abu Risha, but all communication with him has failed .