without the latter’s approval, refusing any threats.

Barzani’s statements came during an interview with Rudaw media network close it, followed by “Shafaq News“.

In response to a question on the latest outcome of his talks with al-Maliki on the issue of oil and Budget , Barzani said that there is a serious desire from Baghdad and Erbil to reach solutions , adding that Erbil submitted proposals to Baghdad , which promised to study them and respond to them at a future meeting .

Shahristani’s threats to cut the budget and whether this issue has been addressed in the meeting , Barzani pointed out that the delegation transferred to them that Kurdistan will not accept the threat language, pointing out that it is not in the interest of any party to wave on threat .

On the question whether Erbil would sell oil without the approval of Baghdad after being the Ministry of Natural Resources informed thme that it will begin exporting at the end of this month , Barzani pointed out that the region presented its proposals to Baghdad and wait for the official response , without answering the question.

Regarding guarantees given by the region to Baghdad not to sell region’s oil without its consent , Barzani said that he did not provide any guarantees.

About oil exports problem and whether it would solve will the problem of the budget , Barzani said that he hopes to reach understandings between Erbil and Baghdad and pass the budget in the parliament , adding that the current draft budget that has been sent by Baghdad to the parliament was rejected by Kurdistan .

On the formation of the new government in the region after four months after the elections, Barzani pointed out that the time is calculated from the date of announcement of election’s results by IHEC , pointing out that the eighth formation will be different from its predecessors .

He said that after that there were two parties concerned with the government formation , Democratic Party of Kurdistan and the Patriotic Union of Kurdistan, now all political parties want to participate , noting that the formation of the government needs more dialogues and negotiations and take longer to bring the two views to reach a unified program of the government, without specifying a ceiling timetable for its formation

Barzani visited Baghdad on Sunday and held a meeting with Prime Minister , Nuri al-Maliki to discuss the outstanding issues between Erbil and Baghdad on the issues of oil export through the new pipeline of the region and Turkey as well as draft general budget bill and the region's share of them.

The two sides agreed to continue meetings and dialogues in order to reach solutions and understandings about it.