, Nuri al-Maliki in which he accused Saudi Arabia of sponsoring and supporting " terrorism " in Iraq , calling on him to build and strengthen relations with the Arab and regional countries.

Barzani said in remarks to “Al-Sharq al-Awsat “newspaper , briefed by " Shafaq News " , that Saudi Arabia forms a deep strategically for Iraq and that it is better to strengthen relations between Baghdad and Riyadh instead of exposing those relationships to threat ," noting that “ the opportunity for Iraq is open to build bridges of cooperation and openness and between Iraq and the rest of the region, especially the Arab ones for the sake of the Iraqi people .

Barzani expressed surprise at the accusations launched by al-Maliki against Saudi Arabia , one day after Riyadh issued orders that fight terrorism and terrorists.

Barzani pointed out that there is no indictment files against Saudi Arabia that refers to its responsibility for recruiting or providing assistance to "terrorist" organizations or groups in Iraq , adding that King Abdullah bin Abdul Aziz had issued tight laws and resolutions against "terrorism and terrorists ," and named certain organizations and parties as "terrorist" , and charged any Saudi citizen fighting or work in "terrorist ," action even if beyond the borders of the kingdom and issued severe penalties against anyone proven to be a terrorist”.

Barzani said that Iraq today needs to build and strengthen its relations with the Arab and regional countries rather than exposing those relationships at risk , pointing out that Iraq needs Arab brothers and friends of the non-Arabs , especially since the country is in a security and real political crisis that threaten the democratic process .

Barzani considered these statements as comes for limited electoral purposes , wishing to take advantage of all the opportunities in front of Iraq's openness to everyone and building bridges to establish better relations with the countries of the world .

Maliki has accused Saudi Arabia and Qatar of declaring war on Iraq , blaming them of the responsibility of the security crisis in the country , as pointed out that he supports terrorism and al-Qaeda leaders and support them " politically and in media ."

Maliki accused in an interview with " France 24 " TV channel on the eighth of current March , the two Gulf states of stimulating the terrorist organizations, including al -Qaeda and the " supporting it politically and in media " as well as their generous support financially to buy weapons for the benefit of this "terrorist" organizations .

Maliki said that Saudi Arabia and Qatar are waging a declared "war " on the political system in Iraq , and they support the leaders of al-Qaeda , terrorism , sectarian and extremist groups recruit jihadists and those who come from European countries, such as Belgium , France and other countries .

The accusations came one day after , the announcement of the Saudi authorities of the inclusion of Daash organizations , al-Nusrah Front , al-Qaeda , the Muslim Brotherhood and Hezbollah in the Kingdom as "terrorist groups " .