16-3-2014 11:18

yesterday night in which journalists were prevented from covering the event .

“The delegation of Kurdistan Region included along with Barzani, both the Minister of Natural Resources, Ashti Hawrami, Minister of Construction , Kamran Ahmed , while the Turkish side included Minister of Energy , Taner Yildiz and Deputy Foreign Minister Feridun Snirle Oglu ,”Anatolia official news agency said in news briefed by “Shafaq News”.

“Hurriyet Daily News" newspaper noted that Erbil and Ankara are intensifying their efforts in the oil field to overcome Baghdad’s position in this regard.

The Turkish Energy Minister announced on Friday in a meeting with the marketing power committee that Barzani and Erdogan meeting will not focus on the agreement to export Kurdish oil to Turkey as this issue is not within the agenda of the meeting .