province because of the deteriorating security in the Arabic areas and the lack of special cadre, while Turkmen criticized the " weak " role of UNAMI in this election .

The head of Kirkuk's Arabs coalition, Sheikh Abdul Rahman al-Munshed al-Asai said in an interview with " Shafaq News " that “ the Arab component in the province is exposed to " a clear conspiracy aimed to change the reality imposed on us after 2003 " , pointing out “ what is happening today is looting the will and the rights of the Arabs . "

He added that the UN had no role in this matter and we didn’t hear any comments from them about what is happening to the Arabs of the pressures that affected the lack of participation in the elections .

For his part, the Head of the Turkmen Front Arshad Salhi called in an interview with " Shafaq News " , the United Nations for more effective role in Kirkuk , expressing surprise the " very weak " role of UNAMI in Kirkuk. "

Salhi stressed that the Turkmen " will not allow " to hold local elections in Kirkuk with the " weak " role of the United Nations because this file is " fateful and cannot be manipulated ."

The parliamentary elections were held on the thirtieth of April , as preliminary results obtained from representatives of the entities showed that the Kurdish lists in Kirkuk province by obtaining more than half of the seats allocated to the province .