as well as his information that led to kill and arrest dozens of insurgent cells during the presence of U.S. troops in Iraq .

According to a news report briefed by “Shafaq News " , “ one of the courts in the state of Colorado has issued its ruling on the Iraqi citizen , Jassim Mohammed Ramadan for 28 years in prison, he is 23 years old now , because of raping an American woman two years ago (she is older than by more 30 years ), according to what was reported by some media in the United States .

Ramadan became famous 10 years ago for being " the youngest spy in the world" , because in 2004 , he was 13 years old, when he helped the U.S. Army to the extent that he delivered his own father in particular , then it turns out from a book published in America that he was among those who helped to access to the most important wanted , who is president of the former regime , Saddam Hussein .

Giving details of the rape , Jassim Mohammed Ramadan was engaged at dawn of 21 July, 2012 in a fight with four Iraqis , and it happens that there was a women passing on the same street back from work at the night , she heard a fight on the Arab way with screaming close to her so she hastened to advise them to stop and it seems that they were ashamed and listened to her then Jassem invited her to his apartment near the place and her innocence encouraged her to accept the invitation that ended with what something terrible.

Two days later , she rushed to the nearest American police station and filed a complaint , saying she was talking to Jasim and his four colleagues in the apartment where he gave her a drink like lemonade , then she did not know anything about what happened, but when regained consciousness in   " Memorial Hospital Central " in the city , in pain from the wounds of internal bleeding for being targeted physically in the "sensitive" areas that had been completely torn and distorted .

Soon, American police arrested Ramadan and those who were with him in the apartment : Sarmad Fadhil Mohammed , Mustafa Starr al-Faraji , Ali Mohammed Hassan al-Jubouri and Yasir Jabbar Jasim , who will be convicted later on what the public prosecutor accused then, which is to cover up what " secret Iraq war hero , "had done according to what was described in a book as narrated his " heroic "actions .

The author gave him this title because he helped the U.S. military in Iraq to the arrest many of their Iraqi enemies, including his father, who was a captain in the Iraqi army , who gave him once a Kalashnikov to kill any   American soldiers , but instead he went to Corporal U.S. Army named Robert Evans, and asked him to arrest his father , saying that his mother is the one who advised him to do so.

So the boy provided Americans with information about the resistance cells and they arrested 40 of the resisters "that why he became famous among Iraqis ," according to what was the author said in his book "The Promise of a soldier ," a First Sergeant in U.S. Army , Daniel Hendrix or the man who trained him to spy , to the extent that he was a link between an officer and a relative of Saddam who told Americans about his hiding in a hole where he was arrested.

Hendrix narrates in the book, which was released in 2009 and sold tens of thousands of copies , some reportedly five years earlier at the site of the U.S. Army about the boy who worked as a spy , he revealed to the Americans on one occasion about a secret hideout in the suburb of Husayba in Qaim city on the border with Syria , they stormed it and arrested his father and bundled behind bars , while tool Jassim to become in their charge .

When the First Armored Division of U.S. Army left Iraq in 2004 and returned to the" Fort Carson " base in Colorado , its leaders told Al -Qaeda officials about a " young collaborator " or " Steve " (as they called him ) quoting him that his father had brutally hit him a lot in the house, and he used to hit his mother and five siblings as well, so he started looking for an opportunity to take revenge , and did not find a better thing than cooperation with the U.S. military .

Sergeant Hendrix used him in spy work that suit his age, because of him , many “terrorist operations ," had been foiled till the gunmen discovered   him , So some of them broke into his family's home on a rainy night in early 2003 in Husayba and did not find except for his mother so they beheaded her and chopped her head with a machete , and threw it at the corner of the house for covering us the betray of her youngest sons .

Then the U.S. military was able to find a legal formula to transfer   " the youngest spy in the world" to the United States to live in, and there gave him citizenship , but Jassim was lost apparently in the maze of life that he was not familiar with, Get married early and has a daughter as he doesn’t know where her mother is or his daughter. But he will not come out from behind bars until his fifties as a price for the pleasure he took by force .